Comments on Alaric’s Teaching
I wanted to thank you for a most wonderful workshop. Greatest gratitude for your inspired teaching, for engendering a cohesive and inclusive group, and your constant enlivening presence. You are truly a wise and skillful facilitator.
I am really happy I joined your triyoga beginners course , and am grateful for your corrections. Its amazing how you seem to have thirty eyes which take in all the students simultaneously , and trouble shoot our mistakes!
Your instructions were so clear, concise and simple - I really felt that I could focus on the base of the posture and the rest just followed. It gave me huge confidence in my ability/abilities as I seemed to reconnect with the joy of just doing yoga .
Thanks for amazing class last night; a complete rethink about twists for me. Your teaching and kindness is a huge inspiration.
Photographs courtesy of Heather Elton Photography